Wine bars in Rome?
No, not the trendy, fancy-dancy wine bars that the big glossy corporate magazines promote. Well, only one of the three I list fits into that category, and the reason it’s included is, I’d like you to go by, try it out, then compare it to the real deal. That’s the best way to judge between what’s solid, honest, warm, human and authentic, and what’s trendy, superficial, surface, phony, and therefore hugely popular and widely reported.
I can just hear you sighing. “Oh, he’s so cynical…” Actually I’m an idealist and an optimist. It’s the corporate clowns and their readers who are cynical. Once you’ve hit these places you might even decide to buy a copy of my book Food Wine Rome (Terroir Guides)“>FOOD WINE ROME and discover all the other authentic, real, wonderful places in Rome. I am an optimist!
Here’s the lede to my piece on Travora.com about Roman wine bars, plus a link so you can read the whole thing. And, at the bottom of the page, an image-link in case you feel like breaking the piggy bank for Food Wine Rome (Terroir Guides)“>FOOD WINE ROME. Cin-cin, salute!
What’s with the Roman wine bar craze? Wine and bars have been popular in the Eternal City since the first plebian grape-grower about 2,765 years ago set up a stall and filled travelers’ terracotta cups with fermented grape juice.
Sure, plenty of hipster newcomers will tell you it all started around the year 2000 with Uno e Bino, a fancy creative-style restaurant with a mile-long wine list and a Franco-American wine bar atmosphere. Since then the fad for non-Roman food and non-local wines served in non-Roman surroundings has spread to every corner of the city.
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