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NPR Interview with Jacki Lyden about Paris to the Pyrenees: The paperback is out!



To mark the May 2014 release of the paperback version of Paris to the Pyrenees: A Skeptic Pilgrim Walks the Way of Saint James, I'm sharing a link to the dream interview legendary host Jacki Lyden gave me on NPR's Weekend Edition Sunday just over a year ago, when the hardback came out.

Here are a few of the interview highlights, as posted on the NPR website.

"For centuries, pilgrims have made their way along the El Camino de Santiago de Compostela, or St. James' Way. It's an ancient route honoring St. James of Compostela and can take a traveler on foot for hundreds of miles to what is believed to be the apostle's burial site in northwestern Spain," says NPR's Jacki Lyden.

"American travel writer David Downie and his wife, Alison, decided to begin their trek from their longtime home in Paris…" keep reading


Interview Highlights:

On why he decided to embark on the journey

"I was hugely overweight, and I wanted to lighten my carcass because I could barely walk at one point…" keep reading


On what Downie calls the changing face of France

"People don't realize it, but there are lots of rural areas of France that are largely abandoned; they are empty most of the year…" keep reading

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Published inBOOKSJacki Lyden NPR interviewNPR books interviewParisParis to the PyreneesParis to the Pyrenees blogpostParis to the Pyrenees blogpostsParis to the Pyrenees book tour spring 2013Pilgrimage audioPilgrimage from VezelayThe Way of Saint JamesUS Book Tour April/May 2013Vezelay