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Book Passage in Corte Madera: A Wonderful Event

Alison’s celebrated pic of the Ile St-Louis in Paris, projected as a background…

The par-blind scribner

Accordionist avec Vespas

Wonderful not because we’re wonderful and our work is inspired by divine genius (we’re not delusional, not yet).

Wonderful because Elaine and Bill Petrocelli of Book Passage, and their crack crew of book connoisseurs, worked wonders. We had live accordion music by a very talented musician (whose name escapes me–I will add it later), a large and lovely crowd, and everyone enjoyed himself. Or so it seemed.

Alas, since I was talking and Alison was showing her gorgeous slides, we weren’t able to do an ace job taking pics or videos. But here’s a small sampler. The room was packed — chairs were added.

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Published inParis ParisQuiet Corners of Rome

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