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Category: Paris

Chicago Big, Paris Small: Two Stories on

It’s been a while: traveling for a month in the USA did wonders to my schedule, which is why this blog has been asleep. Also,…

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Chicago Marathon of Sorts: We Survived

Talk about serendipity: we went out for an innocent morning walk and guess what happened? Fog, mist, wind… gorgeous Chicago scenery… We found our way…

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Paris, Paris in Chicago: Paris Following Us?

It started with the morning coffee at a roasting establishment and cafe called La Colombe, not 100 yards from where we were staying… Real French…

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Chicago, Chicago! Largesse is the Word

Lunch at Charlie Trotter’s was just the start… a kind of cultural and gastronomic marathon with Chicago writ large… I’m talking about more than a…

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"Paris, Paris" Reviewed by ENTREE travel news

It’s always a pleasure when an esteemed colleague has fine words to say about one of my little books… in this case, The Little Book…

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Paris, Paris, Chicago, Chicago, Charlie Trotter’s

Larry Stone without bow tie and sommelier pin Lunch at Charlie Trotter’s in Chicago Happily jet-lagged and stunned by the sudden heat—about 30 C, meaning…

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Gluttony as High Art at La Cucina di Nonna Nina

Gluttony can be defined in many ways. If the term refers to gross over-eating and over-indulgence of alcohol, chocolates, eye-candy, whatever, then gluttony (like unadulterated…

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Paris, Paris Goes to Chicago @ Charlie Trotter’s

Here’s the invitation to the big gala lunch at Charlie Trotter’s in Chicago on May 2, 2012 to celebrate anniversaries and the success of “Paris…

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Paris, Paris in the window of Shakespeare & Co. NYC

My wonderful agent just sent me this pic showing the little book that could prominently displayed — no fewer than two copies — in the…

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Interview on

This tell-all interview of yours truly was posted yesterday on a fine Paris resource site… Everything you ever wanted to know about David Downie, “Paris,…

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Place des Vosges and Marais on

Another look at the Marais and Place des Vosges–our backyard–on, where I’m a European correspondent. Here’s the beginning of the article and link… bonne…

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Choc and Awe at the Salon du Chocolat

For a round up of events, including the tittilating deconstruction of a chocolate dress on a runway model… check out The Rambling Epicure. Jonell Galloway…

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