Please come to the latest event to mark the publication of my travel adventure-memoir, Paris to the Pyrenees: A Skeptic Pilgrim Walks the Way of Saint James.
The details: Wed, June 26, 2013, 7:30 pm @
On the menu: "David Downie will present his new book Paris to the Pyrenees: A Skeptic Pilgrim Walks the Way of Saint James, in the prestigious "Evenings with an Author" series at the American Library in Paris. Learn about the author and his wife, photographer Alison Harris, and hear about their 1,100-km trek across parts of France and over the Pyrenees on the Way of Saint James. History, questing and the "Janus civilization" of France will be on the program–and more."
“Evocative and moving… an extraordinary account that illuminates France past and present and casts a light on something even greater: the truth that, however we choose to label our journey, we are all pilgrims on a common quest, to answer why we wander life’s question-paved path.” (Don George – National Geographic Traveler, pick of the month, March 2013)
Listen to an interview with NPR's legendary radio host Jacki Lyden about the book and our adventure.
Looking forward to seeing you! David