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Rizzoli bookstore event in NYC: Wonderful turnout

Our big day at Rizzoli: hiding below the poster in the window on 57th Street

The great and good attended our little event — a meet & greet at Rizzoli’s handsome main bookstore in midtown Manhattan. Pictures speak a million syllables so I’ll post a few here. This is what makes bookstore events so magical. Dozens, hundreds of people show up, real friendships are made…

Among the many were our editor at Broadway Books, Charles Conrad, shown with the two of us (Alison was very elegant, as always), the elusive Linda Hollick of The Little Bookroom (she managed to escape the lens despite many attempts to frame her), architect and city planner Margot Wellington (who saved Grand Central Station from destruction all those years ago), Francis Di Tommaso (Director of the School of Visual Design) and his charming wife Carla…

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